Thursday, October 16, 2014

MDL Week 5

This week in MDL we learned about searching for credible sources, and a major topic was . Plagiarism is when you find and artical or a book and you take a passage out of that book and say it is yours. I'm using the book as 1 source of information plagiarism applies to many more things than books, including: websites, newspaper articles, Magazines, and yes even your friends paper on the art of paper mache. So if you want to take a artical or paragraph out of something you have to ask that person's permission to use it and cite your source from where you received the information. So the next time you are doing a paper on the art of paper mache ask your buddy if you can use some of his paper to help you out, and cite that it was from his paper that you got that information.

Some people think that Plagiarism is not a big deal and that there are no punishments for it, and they would be very wrong. By committing the act of Plagiarism you can be fined by your state, your document in which you plagiarized on is discarded, and whatever you were making that paper for you will automatically fail. Plagiarism is a big deal so don't let people do it and when you see it call them out and tell them. "If you see something say something" (Peninsula Catholic Anti bully pledge)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MDL Week 3 Digital Communication

Digital communication is very important now a days, from contacting a major headquarters in another state about business loans, to simply talking with your mother. It has become a cornerstone of today's society and that is a fact. Almost too many people are on social media and that makes the world very connected, Sometimes too connected. For instance when your driving and you pull out your phone and go to Facebook, no harm in that right... wrong sometimes being connected is not so good. Puling out your phone while driving can be a hazard not only to yourself but to others. Another example of it being dangerous, is posting vacation photos while on vacation. If you didn't know it is a very dangerous thing to do, it not only threatening your well being but your house is most likely to be stolen from when you post those kind of things. Digital communication is a very valuable thing but it can be dangerous so don't take it lightly.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Digital Literacy MDL week 1

Digital Literacy... We all know what digital Literacy is right? Well if you don't break it down, Literacy is the ability to know or have knowledge of something like reading or math. Digital refers to something online or on some sort of digital device or you know a tv or something." This is my second time doing this I know what im talking about" anyway... Digital Literacy is something very common these days everyone from tiny kids to full grown adults know how to operate an Ipod or Iphone. My 2 year old cousin has an Ipod he plays on everyday this is a form of digital Literacy or knowing how to operate or be Literate at being Digital. Now with this digital age coming in we need to be safer on our cellphones or laptops, because along with our smarts, bad people are also getting smarter, and this is not good. So everyone has to be safe on the interwebs. That even includes safe people even though you don't click on a weird add even hitting the exit button on the add could download a virus to the computer, but that is only in some cases with really good hacking. moving on from the bad, many good things have come about with the creation of Technology such as things are easier to do. Like write blogs, it used to be that i would have to send this to the local newspaper and see if it would publish my weekly tidbit. Now i can just find a blogging website and do this on my own. See the wonders of the Internet and Digital Literacy! well guys See you next week.
Peter D DeWysocki Mic flamo pants...

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Finding Credible Sources

Finding Credible sources can be very hard at times especially if you don't know what your doing and don't know how to search for your info. So for all of the PC students out there reading my blog you may find it useful that on edline there is a research database that is a wonderful flow of credible information, it can also bring you to other sites that may have useful info too. Now back to finding credible sites alot of sites on the internet are credible, while others are not. It is a nice skill to have to know how to spot clues to see if it is credible or not. One of these things you have to spot is if there is an https in your url. the s in https means secure meaning there is some sort of security on that website there for it is a legitimate website. Number two on the list of things to do, Wikipedia is a good source to find other sources but sometimes it will give you not so good sites the way to spot this is if there are many weird adds, maybe there is no publisher for the website or if it asks for person information. "NEVER GIVE THE PERSONAL INFO" Third on the list is, is the site popular and does it have a good security rating. Sometimes if you have a security program it will list the security rating of the site. and if you look it up on google or yahoo or whatever search engine you use you may find that the higher on the list the sites are the safer and more popular they are. So kids that is your lesson on Internet saftey and Site Credibility. SeYA NEXT WEAK.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Digital Communication.

Digital communication is important now adays, it seems that if your a teenager you can not survive with out your cell phone. People think that digital communication is just a tool that is over used and simple, but in fact it is very difficult and complicated. digital communication comes in many forms from cell phones to sat phones to Drones. all of these things are possible because of cellular communication- using radio waves to communicate directions to a certain device or from one device to another. One example of digital communication is GPS. Global positioning systems these are used by many people adult and child alike. What people don't know is that all GPS systems and satellites, are owned by the U.S. of the A. so they are holding back the full potential of GPS. any way that is one of the many ways people use Digital communication, Calling people on cellphones is another. It may seem unimportant but without digital communication our lives would be very different.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Personal finance

This weeks events started off quite well. We are not taking as much notes or doing as much quizzes in personal finance its really nice"and I would like for it to stay that way" <--- Note to Ms Weser. A ton of things happened in this week we got lots of money and food. And sadly Nelson Mandela died today, the man who was one of the key components in the abolishment of Apartheid. Also we took notes a lot so yea.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

This past week.

This past week was only 2 days, but in those 2 days a lot happened, first we established money. Everyday things like sharpening a pencil costs us weserville $. Which can be a pain, We also learned how to pay bills and balance a checkbook. Although i already learned how to use a checkbook it was a good reminder. We had thanksgiving this week and that was funish, 10 people came over to my house in search of food... and they received it. There was a lot of things to do at my house, From cleaning to cooking and i did both. It sucked to do it but in the end i had a good meal. Im done, It's to late to blog goodbye.